No matter what it is you’re selling, over the last few weeks, you’ve likely felt the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in some way shape or form. These uncertain times have left many to cease all selling efforts entirely, as the amount of prospects spending money has undoubtedly decreased. However, there are still salespeople out there maintaining -- and, in some cases, even increasing -- their sales numbers and they're doing it all from home.
Here’s how you can still close deals during these difficult times, no matter if you’re working remotely or not.
Establishing Priorities
Like many throughout the world, you’ve probably hunkered down over the last few weeks, along with your company and your b2b sales prospects. What was once considered a priority before the COVID-19 pandemic has become a distant memory. As a result, you’ll need to create a new list of priorities that can be maintained while you work from home.
Start by focusing on what needs to be done now. This could be a follow-up call that in the past you may have put off for a few days. Or, maybe you need to start prospecting for potential customers who are still active. No matter what the task is, just make sure it is essential and serves a distinct purpose.
Building an Appropriate Action Plan
Unlike past disasters -- such as 9/11 or the great recession in 2008 -- many business owners and their staff are being hit with two separate calamities at once. On one hand, you have a global health crisis, and on the other, an economic disaster.
With such trying times ahead, many on social media are suggesting people should stop selling for the time being. However, this notion suggests sales are a nefarious ploy to take advantage of others when this is simply not the case. The goal with B2B sales should be to help others and improve their businesses, which is something business owners need now more than ever.
Your action plan should address the difficult times your prospects are likely faced with while giving them hope for the future. Now is the ideal time to get on a Skype call with a potential client and discuss both their personal and business goals during and after the COVID-19 outbreak. While you may not close a deal today, once the dust settles, you’ll likely be one of the first solutions your prospect thinks of.
Finding a New Routine
With so many salespeople forced to abruptly begin working from home, it’s only natural that you would lose your routine in the process. However, it’s important to find a new routine to help you avoid the plethora of distractions working remotely can present.
This is especially critical for those who have children. Make sure you establish ground rules for yourself and stick to a solid work schedule that forces you to focus on nothing else but your job. Additionally, you should focus on getting an adequate amount of sleep to ensure you’re alert during the day. Working from the comfort of your own home has its advantages, but it’s easy to begin staying up later than you should when there’s no office to go to in the morning.
Stay Calm and Tell Yourself You’ll Get Through This
With such uncertainty when it comes to how (or when) this pandemic will end, it can be almost impossible not to worry. This is where salespeople need to muster their mental fortitude to push on during these trying times and tell themselves “I’ll get through this”.
If you’re looking for B2B sales inspiration or just want to fill your time while you’re at home, I recommend listening to my podcast The Brutal Truth About Sales & Selling.
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